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Success Story

Marketing & Driving Continuous Improvement

Go-to-Market Consulting


After restructuring and rebranding an internal continuous improvement office responsible for leading business excellence programs and driving efficiencies across the organization, the client needed an optimized internal marketing strategy.  The department relies upon a steady influx of cross-functional work with many collaborators and with a new name and structure, the team faced a lack of awareness across the company, risking its future pipeline of work.


Pepper Foster interviewed key stakeholders across the organization and determined audience communication preferences and responsiveness. Insights and findings were confirmed and enhanced by coordinating with the corporate communications team and the most effective communication methods identified. A marketing and communications strategy was constructed complete with a roadmap, KPI definition, and reassessment plan. Messaging and branding action items were established for each departmental team and marketing collateral was created.


Awareness and understanding of the continuous improvement office and the business excellence programs among target stakeholders increased dramatically. The project pipeline for Lean process improvement projects was filled and able to be managed on a rolling 6-month schedule.

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