Strategy Planning and Consulting

An overarching solution to strategy development, planning, and execution that leads you through the refinement and communication of your strategy so that it's actually embraced and executed within your organization and will deliver the outcomes you're looking for.

STRATX - Our Approach to Strategy Planning

Often the people that develop strategies are lousy at executing them. Or they focus too much on the latest, best, or ideal scenarios without considering if it's even possible within your environment. Recognizing that too many business strategies fail to be executed and forever remain just pretty PowerPoint slides on a drive somewhere, we created STRATX; our approach to Strategy Planning and Consulting.

STRATX ensures your strategy is not only good but also executable by your team and within your culture and constraints.

A Rich & Comprehensive Framework

STRATX uses proven methodologies, best practices, templates, and tools to ensure your strategic vision is not only clear but supported, embraced, executed, and realized. 

Guides Strategy Development, Planning, & Execution

STRATX factors in not only the voice of the customer and competitive landscape, but also stakeholder engagement, team culture and capabilities, financial investments and constraints, risk tolerance, change leadership, and program and project management.  

Delivers Tailored Executable Strategies

STRATX adjusts to your organization’s unique needs, culture, market, challenges, and opportunities.    

Strategy Development

We employ a range of proven approaches and methods to assess the current state and needs of your business, customers, competitors, market, and team. We confirm and update your vision, mission, purpose, values, goals, and structure. We identify crucial gaps, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities and the strengths you should reinforce and build on. And we develop strategies that will take your business to the next level. 

Strategy Planning

We use planning workshops to assess the current state of your tools, technology, organizational structure, team capabilities, bandwidth, finances, and politics. We determine the relative value, impact, risk, reward, and effort of each strategy; assess the benefits and risks associated with different levels of speed, cost, and quality; engage and involve critical stakeholders and ensure the plan is supported and will be championed by the people critical to its success; and determine the project and investment priorities based not just on ideal outcomes but also your financial constraints and risk tolerance. 

Strategy Execution

We leverage a host of proven execution and performance management best practices to help you execute the strategic plan. We help you establish an Enterprise PMO / Strategy Execution Office (SXO) and work with your team to develop and implement detailed program, project, and change leadership plans. We help you engage stakeholders, assemble and support project teams and sponsors, manage budgets, allocate resources, mitigate risks, resolve issues, and report status and progress. We help you establish and monitor KPIs, assess results, make course corrections, update the strategy, and improve the plan. And, most of all, we help you realize your strategic objectives and vision.

Benefits of Pepper Foster’s Strategy Planning Services

Unlike many other strategy consulting companies, we care more about the results than the strategy because it doesn’t matter how good the strategy is if it isn’t executed. 

Strategic Plans that are Actually Executed

We ensure your strategy is not only good, but executable by your team and within your culture and constraints. We ensure the desired outcomes are actually realized. 

Strategy Consultants that Listen & Ask Questions

We don’t come in thinking we already have all the answers, we ask questions, engage your team and stakeholders, and work with them to figure out the strategies that are right for your organization. Strategies that your team will embrace, support, and champion. 

Strategies that are Not Too Much, Not Too Little, Just Right

If your strategy is too aggressive or tries to do too much, too soon, it will fail. If it’s not aggressive enough or does too little, too late, your business will be overtaken. We help you find the strategies that are just right for your organization. The Goldilocks strategies. 

Results you will Love

We have a very high Net Promoter Score because our clients love working with us and the results we achieve together.

Get in touch

Let's work together to bring your ideas to life and transform your business.

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