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Which consulting firm should I hire?

Hiring a big firm won't get you fired, but it won't get you promoted either

By Pepper Foster

The old saying used to be that you won’t get fired for buying IBM and, when you have a large high-profile project that needs consulting support you won’t get fired for hiring a large brand name consulting partner like Accenture, IBM, Deloitte, McKinsey, Bain, or BCG, even if the project fails. But, you probably won’t get promoted either, even if it’s a success. To be recognized and promoted you need to work with a firm that won’t take any of the glory away from you. So, yes, hire a large brand name firm when the risk-reward profile for you personally is high-risk, low-reward, but when you have an idea or opportunity, that, if implemented successfully, could make your career, hire a small, reliable, and dedicated firm like Pepper Foster Consulting because you’re going to like working with us and you’re going to love the results we achieve together.

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