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Mind the Gap - Successful strategy execution with STRATX

STRATX - A methodology & approach that helps ensure the strategy is accepted, adopted, and embraced by not just the board, but also leadership, and most importantly, the people who will be executing it.

By Pepper Foster

The gap between strategy and execution is huge. The people who are good at creating strategies are often lousy at executing them. That’s where STRATX comes in. STRATX is a methodology that leads you through the refinement and communication of your strategy so that it's actually executable in the culture and realities of your organization. A methodology that helps ensure the strategy is accepted, adopted, and embraced by not just the board, but also leadership, and most importantly, the people who will be executing it. A methodology that helps you engage executives and team members, ensure the strategy is championed, executed, supported, and updated based on real-world changes and circumstances, and that actually delivers the desired outcomes.

Learn more about STRATX

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